This is a family-friendly event open to the community! Chicken stew, hotdogs, candy and games!
Volunteers are needed to set up beforehand, manage parking, run games, prepare hot dogs and chili, serve food, work trash duty, and help tear down. There is a sign-up board in the Welcome Center where you may choose how and the time you would like to serve. One-hour time slots are available. You can sign up for an hour block or the full two hours. The setup crew will be needed before the event and the tear-down crew afterward. Volunteers who are helping during the first hour are encouraged to eat at 5:00 pm, so you can be in your designated location by 6:00 pm. The 2nd-hour crew will need to be at their location at 6:50 pm to learn the routine before shift change. Thanks for helping with this outreach ministry!