Veterans Banquet
Veterans and their immediate family welcome! Sign up in the Welcome Center.
Faith Promise Sunday
During this service we will challenge everyone to be involved, pray for and give to missions. As part of the service, we fill out cards stating our commitment to financially support FCC Missions. This card is not signed and only has the amount you plan to give in 2024. The amount you promise may be given weekly, monthly or as a one-time gift. As always, you do not have to promise an amount if you do not feel led. Our Missions goals are set from the amount promised on this day.
Family Fest
This is a family-friendly event open to the community! Chicken stew, hotdogs, candy and games!
Volunteers are needed to set up beforehand, manage parking, run games, prepare hot dogs and chili, serve food, work trash duty, and help tear down. There is a sign-up board in the Welcome Center where you may choose how and the time you would like to serve. One-hour time slots are available. You can sign up for an hour block or the full two hours. The setup crew will be needed before the event and the tear-down crew afterward. Volunteers who are helping during the first hour are encouraged to eat at 5:00 pm, so you can be in your designated location by 6:00 pm. The 2nd-hour crew will need to be at their location at 6:50 pm to learn the routine before shift change. Thanks for helping with this outreach ministry!
Student Ministry Chicken Stew
Students grade 6 - 12 and their families are welcome! Sign up with Max!
Extraordinary Women's Conference
Cost of $100 includes conference, hotel, travel and one lunch. Sign up in the Welcome Center!
Kid's Fusion
Kids from K - 5th Grade and their parents are invited to join us in worship and games. We will meet at Jefferson Christian Church. Please sign up in the Children’s Wing
Pastor Appreciation Lunch
We will be honoring our three ministers, Glenn, Max, and Peter, with a luncheon immediately following Morning Worship. More details will come but be sure to mark your calendar.
Prayer Night
Every year we take time to gather for an hour of prayer for our church. We divide into groups and pray over our classrooms and the outer doors. We are praying for those who attend and the visitors who will come through our doors and encounter Jesus. Please join us for an evening of prayer!
Super Thursday - Tweetsie Railroad
Cost: $30 for kids & $40 for adults. Bring a bag lunch, two drinks & sunscreen. Please sign up in the Welcome Center!