Kingdom Student Ministry
Grades 6 - 12
We would love for you to check us out and walk with us as we strive to become more like Jesus! There are many activities through the year, including service projects for the church family and community. Join us as we hang out with other area youth groups, rough it at church camp, reach out during mission trips, and most importantly deepen our walk with Christ.
Student Ministry Gatherings
At First Christian Church of King, our middle and high school students (Grades 6-12) meet on a weekly basis. Wednesday nights include a lesson, games, and small groups. It is our mission to help our students become fully devoted, fully equipped, lifelong followers of Christ. We do this by setting an environment that allows our students to openly ask questions and study God’s Word together. We have great volunteers that are devoted to encouraging and pushing each student to dive deeper with God.
Wednesday Nights: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Teen Room)
Every Sunday morning, before our worship service, our middle school and high school students (Grades 6-12) meet together to study God’s Word. Our focus is on books of the Bible rather than topical studies. We learn about the context of the scripture as well as how it applies to us today.
Sunday Mornings: 9:30 am – 10:15 am (Teen Room)
Sunday Night hangout is where we simply enjoy building relationships and fellowshipping with one another by playing games, watching movies, and serving our community. It is amazing to see how God use these opportunities to reach students for His Kingdom.
Check us out!
There is always something going on with the Kingdom Student Ministry! Follow us on Instagram to see the latest! @kingdomstudentministry